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Green lacewings

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What on earth is a green lacewing? This question might have been on many of the Trace & Save farmers’ minds in 2020 with the new biodiversity survey we’ve implemented. This article will answer the questions: what is a green lacewing and why is it relevant to a pasture-based dairy farm? We want to highlight green lacewings for the biocontrol species that they are, and even more importantly what their presence on a farm indicates – a healthy agro-ecosystem.

Dung beetles

Dung beetles have been largely undervalued

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dung beetles are part of nature’s process of returning nutrients from animals to the soil so that they can be used to grow more fodder for the animals.

Cattle grazing

The impact of livestock on biodiversity

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Livestock, farming, farmers, meat – they are all often just grouped into one category and linked to negative environmental impacts. This is very unfair.

Birds in Wetland

Wetlands – nature’s filter and regulator

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Caring for the natural ecosystems, such as wetlands, on your farm can contribute to farm productivity. Not only that, it will make your farm more resilient.

Biodiversity conservation

Video – Why should farmers care about biodiversity

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A healthy agro-ecosystem contributes both directly and indirectly to agricultural production. More emphasis should be placed on restoring and maintaining healthy agro-ecosystems.


Identifying the opportunities for biodiversity management

Reading Time: 11 minutes

A healthy agro-ecosystem contributes both directly and indirectly to agricultural production, and more emphasis should be placed on restoring and maintaining healthy agro-ecosystems.

Need more water, why not get rid of your aliens?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Alien invasive plants are a huge threat to water security, and therefore sustainable agriculture. By clearing alien invasive plants, not only are we making more water available, but the opportunity to explore other industries exist.


What should farmers do about biodiversity conservation then?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are numerous practices that farmers can implement which will contribute to biodiversity conservation.

Biodiversity conservation

Should farmers concern themselves with biodiversity conservation?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The majority of land in South Africa is owned by farmers. This makes farmers the true stewards of South Africa’s land.