Entries by Tenita Nell

Protozoa and protozoa tea

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What are protozoa? Protozoa are microbes beneficial to soil health. They help to cycle nutrients such as nitrogen as well as attract earth worms. Find here instructions to make your own protozoa tea to inoculate the soil.

Green lacewings

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What on earth is a green lacewing? This question might have been on many of the Trace & Save farmers’ minds in 2020 with the new biodiversity survey we’ve implemented. This article will answer the questions: what is a green lacewing and why is it relevant to a pasture-based dairy farm? We want to highlight green lacewings for the biocontrol species that they are, and even more importantly what their presence on a farm indicates – a healthy agro-ecosystem.

The goose that lays the golden egg

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Does your maximum production approach affect your ability to produce well into the future? This blog discusses some principles for a sustainable approach to farming that can be applied daily.