Publication to assist farmers with wetland and river management

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The aim of the publication is to provide best management practices that will assist farmers to manage their rivers and wetlands in a manner that promotes biodiversity conservation.

feature image

Green lacewings

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What on earth is a green lacewing? This question might have been on many of the Trace & Save farmers’ minds in 2020 with the new biodiversity survey we’ve implemented. This article will answer the questions: what is a green lacewing and why is it relevant to a pasture-based dairy farm? We want to highlight green lacewings for the biocontrol species that they are, and even more importantly what their presence on a farm indicates – a healthy agro-ecosystem.

Water movement in the soil: Important notes for irrigation management

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Irrigation should not be applied uniformly in fields because soil differs in structure and texture. Understanding water movement dynamics for individual fields are very important for irrigation scheduling.

Pasture-based dairy: what is possible?

Reading Time: 8 minutes

I am challenging farmers to think differently about how their farm systems are set up, especially in terms of their reliance on concentrates and fertiliser inputs. There is an alternative approach to the current convention.

Green pasture

Growing pasture with minimal nitrogen fertiliser

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How low have farmers been able to come with nitrogen fertiliser rates, while still maintaining optimal pasture growth?

Dairy cows

Case study: How to reduce your carbon footprint

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Agriculture is often pointed at as the source of high greenhouse gas emissions. How can dairy farmers reduce their carbon footprint?

Bank coins and notes

Evidence of the economic advantages of working with Trace & Save

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Farmers do not gain economic advantages because they make use of the Trace & Save tools. Farmers improve because they manage their farms better – the tools help them to do this.


Case study: Growing cheaper pastures

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The take-away challenge is for farmers to assess whether their fertiliser costs are decreasing per pasture produced. Are you growing cheaper pastures?

Cows grazing lucerne pastures

Case study: Improving nitrogen fertiliser efficiency

Reading Time: 8 minutes

I hope this case study encourages farmers who are in the process of adapting their management in order to achieve greater nitrogen fertiliser efficiency.

Perceptions and adoption of sustainable dairy practices in the Eastern Cape

Reading Time: 2 minutes

To encourage the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices amongst farmers one needs to understand what drives their decision-making processes.