Journey through farmland

What progress have farms participating with Trace & Save made over the past 10 years?

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Looking back over ten years of collecting data from pasture-based dairy farmers, it is encouraging to see that there has been progress made with regards to improved sustainability. Two of the main goals of Trace & Save is to support farmers to farm in a more sustainable manner and to create evidence of progress where it is being made.

Cows grazing in field

Carbon footprint reduction over time: Lessons from pasture-based dairy farms in South Africa

Reading Time: 11 minutes

The reductions in emissions on the 20 pasture-based dairy farms over the past five years are an encouragement to any farm that would like to reduce their environmental impact. The most significant improvements have come from increased feed conversion efficiency, a higher proportion of pasture in the diet, and lower N fertiliser application rates.