Spreading lime

Understanding lime and gypsum better

Reading Time: 4 minutes

There is often confusion about what type of lime to use, how effective lime is and what the difference is between lime and gypsum. Read this blog to understand all this better.

Birds in Wetland

Wetlands – nature’s filter and regulator

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Caring for the natural ecosystems, such as wetlands, on your farm can contribute to farm productivity. Not only that, it will make your farm more resilient.

Plants, the root of your profit

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The unique and constant interaction between plant roots, bacteria and fungi creates a fantastic symbiosis. Farmers are able to facilitate or limit this interaction through the practices they implement.

Examining pastures

Farmers’ Day: Sustainability – Economics & Soil Power

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Join us for an exciting farmers’ day where Trace & Save will be hosting New Zealand soil health expert Graham Shepherd.

Biodiversity soil

Video – How do you build carbon in the soil?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I would hope that by now most farmers have heard that building soil carbon has huge advantages. Both from a productivity and an environmental perspective. How do you go about building soil carbon?