Clients and projects

Working together towards a sustainable future.
Assess. Improve. Save.
Trace & Save collaborates with a diverse array of clients on various projects. We have had the privilege of working on both detailed, intensive projects and those with a broader scope. This experience has provided us with a comprehensive perspective on the opportunities and challenges in sustainable agriculture.
Woodlands Dairy Sustainability Project

Trace & Save’s first and longest-running project, the Woodlands Dairy Sustainability Project (WDSP), was launched in 2012. This pioneering project initiated by Woodlands Dairy—producers of First Choice products — demonstrates their strong commitment to sustainable agriculture within South Africa’s agricultural sector.

Through the WDSP, Trace & Save evaluates the sustainability of the farms supplying Woodlands Dairy using the SWAN system. We work closely with these farmers, providing support and guidance to enhance their sustainability efforts.

Pasture Monitor

Pasture Monitor offers pasture-level biomass estimations using satellite readings to model pasture biomass every 3-5 days. In collaboration with Pasture Monitor, Trace & Save contributes to enhancing the consistency and accuracy of these models.

WWF and Nedbank

Trace & Save has partnered with WWF South Africa and Nedbank on a range of projects, with case studies available on our Research Hub. These projects include:

  • Business case for sustainable farming: An in-depth analysis of sustainable practices within the South African dairy industry.
  • Irrigation efficiency case study:A comprehensive review of irrigation practices aimed at improving water use efficiency.
  • Effluent management case study:Strategies for effective management of dairy farm effluent to enhance environmental sustainability.

Explore these and other case studies on our Research Hub to learn more about our work and its impact.

Nestlé South Africa: Farm low-carbon assessment and monitoring

Trace & Save collaborates with Nestlé to assess the carbon footprint and soil carbon levels of a farmer supplying milk to Nestlé. Utilizing the SWAN system, we provide comprehensive insights, advice, and support to help the farmer implement low-carbon milk production practices.

This involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing soil health through increased soil carbon sequestration, effectively mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

Anthesis South Africa: AgriCarbon project

Trace & Save is actively involved in the AgriCarbon project by Anthesis South Africa, supporting farmers in our network to generate carbon credits. Our role includes assisting farmers in providing the necessary data and offering technical input to enhance the project’s effectiveness.

The AgriCarbon project aspires to be South Africa’s first internationally recognized carbon program, rewarding farmers for the carbon credits they produce through sustainable land management practices.

AgriEnterprise: Collaboration on Beef value chain study

Trace & Save played a supporting role in a study conducted by Anthesis and AgriEnterprise on the beef value chain in South Africa. The study aimed to assess the impact of climate change on the beef industry and propose mitigation strategies through climate-smart farming.

Our contribution involved providing scientific input and support on sustainable farming practices within the South African context.

Klip Op Mekaar: Carbon Net-Zero assessment

Trace & Save conducted a comprehensive net-zero carbon emissions assessment for Klip Op Mekaar, an organic rooibos tea farm located in Cedarberg, Western Cape, South Africa. This technical assessment was meticulously aligned with the Science-Based Targets initiative and independently verified by a third party.

Our thorough evaluation enabled Klip Op Mekaar to accurately and effectively share their carbon net-zero journey.