
Need more water, why not get rid of your aliens?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Alien invasive plants are a huge threat to water security, and therefore sustainable agriculture. By clearing alien invasive plants, not only are we making more water available, but the opportunity to explore other industries exist.

Are you managing rainwater like a waste product?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Rain is always welcome on our lands. It is our responsibility as good water stewards to use it as the valuable resource which it is


How can you ensure water is not being wasted?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sometimes I wonder if we actually realise the extent to which water management influences the entire farm system? From the health of the soil, to pasture growth and production, to milk production, to holistic farm efficiency and profitability.

Soil water holding capacity

Healthy soil equals healthy milk

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In order to get the desired amount and quality of milk, cows need healthy pastures to graze on.

Be a steward of water!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Water stewardship is defined as being the use of freshwater that is “socially equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial, achieved through a stakeholder-inclusive process that involves site and catchment-based actions”.