Trace & Save provides the opportunity for agricultural consultants to partner with us. You can use the Trace & Save system (including the SWAN system) to measure sustainability on the farms you consult with.

The Trace & Save system uses a comprehensive set of indicators which allows farmers and consultants to track sustainability on their farms over time. The first time a farm is measured is in order to establish a baseline. Future improvements in results can then be compared to this initial baseline.

Trace & Save uses both the online platform, from which farmers can directly access their farm’s data, as well as a computer application which is designed for the consultant to use.

The Trace & Save consultant application is a dynamic data recording, storage and reporting tool. Consultants upload farm data onto a secure central database, from which visual reports can be run, and data compared between years and indicators, all of which provide farmers with comprehensive feedback on their sustainability situation. This data also feeds in the farmer’s online based research platform. This helps farmers to identify opportunities for improving the sustainability of their farm management.

The Trace & Save consultants application interface

Farm data is uploaded to the Trace & Save database using the application