Pasture-based dairy: what is possible?

Reading Time: 8 minutes

I am challenging farmers to think differently about how their farm systems are set up, especially in terms of their reliance on concentrates and fertiliser inputs. There is an alternative approach to the current convention.

Green pasture

Growing pasture with minimal nitrogen fertiliser

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How low have farmers been able to come with nitrogen fertiliser rates, while still maintaining optimal pasture growth?

Intercropping maize and beans

Stacking enterprises: The next level of sustainability

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Stacking enterprises not only adds an extra stream of revenue but in most cases can reduce or eliminate certain expenses.

Windmills grasslands

Is agriculture a renewable industry?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Agriculture has not always been a destructive, extractive process. Regenerative agriculture is the solution, providing a renewable source of food.

Dealing with the weed problem

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Weeds are a real nuisance. Dealing with them can be a mission. Read this blog to explore how to tackle this issue on your farm.

Fungi, the gateway to farming sustainably

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Cattle grazing in field

We need livestock to increase soil carbon

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We need livestock to create one of the few viable solutions available to mitigate climate change. Good agricultural practices can move carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the soil.

Cover crop

Cover crops – restoring soil

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Cover crops are one of many mechanisms that can help shift agriculture from destructive and sick to regenerative and healthy.

Variety of vegetables

Should we always trust agricultural research?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

There is a huge issue in agriculture that most of the research, especially prominent research, is driven by the agrochemical agenda.